Please proceed to the store of your choice when ordering.
A deposit of 1,000 yen is required when drinking by the glass.
Deposit is cash only.
Credit cards and IC cards can be used for food and drink.
맥주 값+맥주잔 보증금 ¥1000 을 현금으로 지불합니다.
Bring the glass to any vendor you like for another drink. If the glass is not broken, we will take it as deposit for a new Beer. So you will pay only for Beer.
빈 잔을 들고가시면 맥주 값만 지불하시면 됩니다.
※어느 부스든 가능합니다 ※파손 등이 없는 잔에 한합니다.
When you leave, please RETURN the glass to the vendor which you bought for the last round.
You will get ¥1,000 reimbursed.
Please be informed...
You will NOT get reimbursed in case the glass is broken or stolen. We don't take any responsibility when the glass is broken or stolen.
Please take care of the glass on your own responsibility.
귀가시 빈 잔을 마지막에 구입한 맥주부스에 반납하시면 잔 보증금 ¥1000을 다시 받으실 수 있습니다.
※신용카드는 사용할 수 없습니다.